Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Somewhat Wordless on Barely-Still Wednesday: TAST Stitching Samples weeks 5-8 {Gail}

Due to some technical issues and the fact that Sam and I had a big day away planned for today, I'm barely sneaking this in on Wednesday!

I got behind stitching due to some travel and some procrastination, so I spent the last couple of days catching up -- you'll notice I switched from icy cold January blues to cheerful pinks, purples, and reds for February warm hearts!

I've been a chain stitch doodler since I was a teen!
This was a no brainer for me, and another way to practice my
papercrafting embellishment doodling.
I skipped the French Knot dots since we haven't been officially introduced.

My doodle cloth for February's 4 weeks of stitches.
I really liked the way that the two-color Herringbone Stitch ended up
looking very very PLAID!
Spacing is a skill to work on.

Happy Stitching!


  1. I like your chain stitch swirl..I didn't notice the flowers first and it reminded me of octopus.I think I'll stitch one- you've given me an idea :)

  2. Great way to catch up, Gail. The chain swirl with the lazy daisies is clever.

  3. Love you colors as well as what you did with all those stitches, specially the chain.

  4. I like the chain swirl too, it reminds me of climbing plants.

  5. Thanks all! I love swirls but I never would have thought "octopus" -- it totally translates, though! Let me know what happens with that Deepa!

    After looking at this a bit more, I really have to go in and add the French Knots where I originally intended. They just NEED to be there! Plus I love to make French Knots. :)


  6. Gail, very beautiful sample!!

  7. Great samples! I started participating at the beginning of the year but realized I had taken on a bit more than I anticipated so am lagging behind at this point.

  8. Lorraine, thank you! As you can see I am not spending lots of time developing each stitch each week, just getting the rhythm of it. This suits my agenda for TAST, which is to learn some new stitches and SEE how they apply to CQ... which other TASTers and associated websites are fulfilling, including YOURS which I *just* visited via a Pin! (~why~ are you doing TAST? LOL you're so accomplished)
